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KineMaster–Pro Video Editor v4.2.0.9810.GP [Unlocked] NO Watermark

KineMaster Premium Unlocked Apk


KineMaster Pro The full featured video editor app on Android, KineMaster. Use the slick videos you make with KineMaster to increase the reach and popularity of your YouTube channel and become a YouTube star.

* Multi-layer for images, stickers, text, handwriting in video clips
* Frame to frame trimming, splicing and slicing
* Instant preview anytime
* Hue, brightness and saturation controls
* Speed control for video files
* Fade in/fade out sound
* Transition effects (i.e. 3D transition, fade-in/out, PiP)
* Diverse themes, animations and visual and audio effects
* Share on YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Dropbox and mor

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